PinnedPublished in10101We moved to Substack! Follow us there:— The 10101 teamJan 23, 2023Jan 23, 2023
PinnedPublished in10101ItchySats becomes 10101!10101 a numeral palindrome and the binary representation of 21, hinting towards the 21 million possible bitcoins.Dec 16, 2022Dec 16, 2022
PinnedItchySats Inside CitadelItchySats is now available on Citadel — a Bitcoin/Lightning node distribution for Raspberry Pi and Debian/Ubuntu. Citadel is proudly Free…Oct 11, 2022Oct 11, 2022
PinnedItchySats is on Umbrel!With the Umbrel 0.4.11 release ItchySats is a available in the Umbrel app-store! Install the app now and open a position.Jan 17, 2022Jan 17, 2022
PinnedItchySats — Roadmap to the most awesome Bitcoin DEXReach for the moon? We reach for the stars! We are building the first fully non-custodial, peer to peer, accountless Bitcoin DEX.Dec 8, 20212Dec 8, 20212
Goodbye ItchySats, G’day 10101!🔔 We will shut down ItchySats on 19.04.2023 00:00 UTC.Apr 18, 2023Apr 18, 2023
Published in10101Our path to Bitcoin and self-custodial tradingBitcoin is self-custodial money — you are in control. But the trading solutions on top are controlled by powerful middlemen — they are in…Jan 17, 2023Jan 17, 2023
ItchySats goes DesktopWith our latest release 0.7.0 we are proud to present you a binary to run ItchySats on Windows or macOS - no need for a RPiOct 11, 2022Oct 11, 2022
ItchySats Goes RaspiBlitzWith its latest update to v1.8.0 RaspiBlitz, the most popular DIY distro for self-sovereign Bitcoiners, has integrated ItchySats.Sep 5, 2022Sep 5, 2022
ItchySats 0.4.12ItchySats 0.4.12 ships with Umbrel 0.4.18. Binary users can already upgrade to the latest release or docker container. Umbrel user will…May 2, 2022May 2, 2022